The Weekly Accountability 4

25 Jul 2021



  • The iphone bug which caused WiFi to stop working has been found to be capable of remote code execution. Apple has now fixed the bug with a security update More
  • Citizen lab’s report on Candiru, an Israel based company which sells spyware to governments. More
  • Kaseya has obtained the decryptor for the victims of the supply chain ransomware attack that happened few weeks back. More
  • An overview of consent phishing, a new kind of phishing used to bypass 2FA on accounts. More



  • Google has broken ChromeOS authentication via an update due to a code error. It has subsequently rolled out a fix but users were not able to login to their existing accounts until the new update was pushed. More
  • An interesting calculation on how much markup AWS puts on their internet services. More
  • Facebook’s experiences of upgrading their MySQL version to 8.0 More



  • Intrinsic, a new Alphabet company has been established with a focus on industrial robots and improving them using AI. More
  • An article explaining why “I have nothing to hide” is a wrong way to think about surveillance. More
  • Google has a new feature that shows people why a specific search result was shown. More
  • Another DNS outage, this time in Akamai, has resulted in major sites like Airbnb, Steam, Lastpass going down. More
